New as of September 1, 2024:

CSRT student membership is available to individuals currently enrolled in a respiratory therapy education program anywhere in Canada, or an Accreditation Canada accredited respiratory therapy education program outside of Canada.

Respiratory therapy students benefit from free membership, renewable annually for free during their studies.

For more information, please visit this page.


Questions? [email protected]



If you have recently graduated and not yet written then HPTC exam, you must join the CSRT as a Graduate RT Member.

Information available here. 

Graduate RT Membership is for individuals who have graduated from a Canadian accredited respiratory therapy program and who have not yet completed the national RT certification exam.
This membership category also grants graduates access to professional liability insurance (PLI). Please note that you must adhere to restrictions and conditions imposed by your provincial regulatory body in regulated provinces or employer in non-regulated jurisdictions in order for your PLI to be valid.